June 2023 - Ongoing
A simple project for learning the Angular framework. Thanks to Vercel, you can see it in action here.
The project name is a work-in-progress, I’ll most likely change it after I decide what I actually want to make (after the tutorial).
Diary of sorts
Day One - 03/06/2023
Created a repository from the Vercel Angular quickstart template. Went to sleep.
Day Two - 04/06/2023
Did the Hello World on the tutorial and worked on the following lessons every once in a while. Learned about components, templates, routing, HTML interpolation, property binding, input/output pattern, services, etc.
I called it a day after completing lesson 11 (Route parameters).
Tutorial Link:
Day Three - 05/06/2023
Completed the tutorial and messed around with adding in custom filters for the search feature. Learned how to use a json server to fake a REST API, how to use template variables, how to fetch data from an endpoint using async methods, how to bind events and use array functions, etc.
After finishing the tutorial, I wasted a few hours trying to hack in a MongoDB integration for the vercel deployment to retrieve data from. Ultimately I gave up after running into polyfill problems and getting a massive headache. Instead, I created a second vercel project to act as a json server and fetched the data from there instead (courtesy of Ivo Culic on Medium, see the article here).
Check out the API here.
As for setting up a proper database and REST APIs, that will have to wait for another day; when I get around to learning Spring (my future choice of backend framework). I decided to end the day here, I’ll need some time to think about what to do next.
Some Day - 22/06/2023
Finally moving forward with something more interesting. I set up a backend using Spring Boot and MongoDB, finally I can start making the web apps of my dreams. Learn more about my backend project here.
Day One
First day’s results of working on the Angular tutorial.
Day Three
Filtering by city name.
Details page with form.